Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hola! Zumba

Anyone who knows me knows that one of my favorite things is to "make memories". Well, yesterday was one of those days! One of my co-workers gave me and another co-worker free one-month passes to a local women's fitness center. So yesterday the three of us braved a group fitness class called "Zumba". It's a new class based on Latin dance moves (think Jazzercise, just more "hip"). It was everything it is advertised to, energetic, unique, and it made my heart rate go up (always good, considering it's supposed to be exercise...but, shhh, don't remind my body of that!!).

I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was, despite the fact that the class confirmed my general lack of coordination. I am now thinking back to my marching band drum major days and wondering what happened that I no longer can move my hands and my feet in a coordinated pattern while listening to music...I used to do it all the time. Plus, in college there were the years I sang in a gospel choir, requiring singing, clapping, and moving my body back and forth...right, step, left, step. I have decided I'm going back to the Zumba class though...maybe my coordination will come out of hiding and I will be able to follow along with the slinky very-well-coordinated instructor next time. Either way, it will be a fun time with my co-workers, another memory, and my heart will love me for it!

If you've tried Zumba before, please let me know if there is hope for those of us who are the wallflower type at dances and have never done things like shimmying, the mambo, and twist-turn-jump combinations!

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